Finding Free Images
A picture is worth a thousand words
is an old adage that is ever so relevant in our modern times of internet, websites and content marketing. Having great images on your website is one of the most important factors in the way the site will be interpreted by human visitors and robotic spiders alike.
Finding free images that are quality and work well with your site can become a challenge. Luckily the web is a huge ocean of free resources, and imagery is no exception.
Gathered below we have assembled 3 resources for finding free images for that next project:
Free Images – A great resource of free photography from submitted users of the site. Most of the photos are not that great, but there are some good ones. The best part about this site is the size of the available images, some going all the way up to 8,000 pixels on one dimension. These size photos are really desirable for web design as they can be used in a variety of ways by cropping down and sizing the image. On the converse, images that are too small will be a challenge to fit and make look good. I wrote an article about small images being distorted if not sized properly.
For Designer – Huge resource for graphics and graphic design. The best part about this site is that the PSD files can be downloaded. This means that the graphic layers can be used for different projects and therefore the files are much more valuable for graphic design. Just browse the site and click on an image you want, the landing page features another image that can be clicked to full screen and then right clicked and save image to.
Billings Montana Photography – Photographer and Realtor Serena Anderson took these iconic shots of the welcome to Billings sign that is carved into rock. The rock is located at the base of the hill on 27th ave right below the airport. We provide them here as a resource for your next project.
Because we are SkyPoint Studios and our name is derived from the structure at the heart of Billings, Skypoint, here are a collection of images of the Skypoint structure.
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