SEO Image Optimization

Images are one of the most important elements of a website.…

Do You F?

Ever need to find a phrase or something on a web page and it…

How To Get On a TV or Radio Show

How to get on a TV or radio show for an interviews: All businesses…

Using CuteStat

CuteStat is a really cool web app that gives a quick synopsis…

Using SEO Yoast to Make Search Engine Optimization Easier

Everyone who runs a website should know at least a little bit…

Why Keyword Density is Important

If you have been using the internet for long, you will remember…

Make a QR Code

QR codes are a quick way of launching a web address. They are…

Billings Community Resources

Billings Entertainment Theater, Museum & Art Alberta…

Power of Reviews

One of the most powerful business marketing forces on the internet…

Delete Links in Comments

WordPress is a great platform for interactivity with readers…