Jesus on the Cross Easter Facebook Cover

Easter Facebook Covers

Easter is just around the corner and you may want to celebrate by changing your Facebook cover to one of these Easter Facebook covers.

They are fun to put up for the season and sized properly to fit your Facebook page or profile. You can grab one of these to put up on your page by right clicking on the cover and clicking the “save as” option. Put the cover in a location that it will be easy to retrieve it from.

Once you have the cover in a easy to grab place (Pictures, or Desktop), then head over to Facebook and click on Change Cover on your profile or page.

10 Easter Facebook Covers:

  1. Blue Linen White Basket

    Blue Linen White Basket Easter Facebook Cover

  2. Tulips and Tulips and Tulips

    Tulips and Tulips and Tulips Easter Facebook Cover

  3. Cross with Light Shining

    Cross with Light Shining Easter Facebook Cover

  4. Jesus on the Cross

    Jesus on the Cross Easter Facebook Cover

  5. Easter Facebook Cover Tulips

    Easter Facebook Cover Tulips

  6. Sunday Dinner Easter Facebook Cover

    Sunday Dinner Easter Facebook Covers

  7. Bright Yellow Tulip Easter Facebook Cover

    Bright Yellow Tulip Easter Facebook Covers

  8. Eggs and Chick in Grass

    Eggs and Chick in Grass Easter Facebook Covers

  9. Cute Grey Bunny in Hay

    Cute Grey Bunny in Hay Easter Facebook Covers

  10. Easter Decorations Facebook Cover

    Easter Decorations Facebook Cover

All images courtesy of

Want to check out more Facebook covers? Try the Facebook Covers Category

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Written by: Jophiel Silvestrone

Jophiel Silvestrone has written 326 posts in the Tech Blog.

Jophiel grew up on a ranch in Paradise Valley, Montana near Chico Hot Springs. Working on the ranch instilled work ethic and self motivation. Filled with this drive, Jophiel started mowing the local school's yards twice a month throughout the summers, at the age of 12. He moved to Billings in 2004, where he has been deeply involved in the local business community ever since. A serial entrepreneur, Jophiel has ran multiple businesses in our local community. The first business, a janitorial and carpet cleaning company, founded in 2005, has employed over 50 locals. Moving on to the media industry, Jophiel and several partners founded Green Directory Montana in the spring of 2007. Green Directory's sustainability ranking software awarded points based on sustainable or "green" actions. These points counted towards a business's total "Green Score," which in turn ranked them against other businesses in their category and throughout the entire site. It also featured a limited edition print version distributed annually. A business acquisition allowed Jophiel to focus on new projects, and a few close business colleagues and Jophiel started Rocky Mountain Mr. & Ms. Magazine, a lifestyle publication for men and women in the Magic City. After a year and a half at the helm of RM3 Magazine, the business was purchased. He now runs a web development company SkyPoint Studios and fathers his son Jaoquin, who plays football, basketball, soccer, and is learning snowboarding from his dad. Recently, has expanded to locations in Havasu, Arizona & Vegas. SkyPoint Studios is a market leader in both Billings & Havasu and Jophiel is working on building that same level of market dominance in Vegas. Specialties: Extensive experience in online and offline business. Especially savvy at WordPress, and operate several sites, one example is the blog: Check out for the latest projects from SkyPoint Studios.

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